Part Time Evening Driving Jobs
There are many companies that employ drivers on a part time basis. Not only will these jobs provide some extra income but there can be additional income in the form of tips with certain driving jobs.
Working as a Part Time Driver
Having a driving licence is a valuable asset when it comes to making some extra income. There are thousands of companies looking for part time drivers to deliver goods. Anyone with a driving licence who lives in a city or town should easily be able to find companies looking for drivers. Many part time driving jobs can be undertaken during the evening or the weekends; in fact these are the most in-demand periods for delivery drivers. Driving jobs can also be found on a seasonal basis, which can bring in some extra money at periods such as Christmas.Types of Part Time Driving Jobs
There is a wide variety of companies that are always on the look out for reliable part time drivers. Restaurants and shops that serve fast food are one of the major sources of driving jobs. These jobs will include delivering food to customers throughout the evenings and at the weekends. Shifts for evening drivers will usually last around seven hours although some take away stores can open as late as three in the morning. Any stores that deliver goods will require drivers; this will include local stores where large items can be bought online. Think of DIY shops, garden centres, stores such as Argos and supermarkets that offer home delivery.Seasonal Part-Time Driving Jobs
Christmas is one of the busiest times for stores and companies that deliver goods. Companies will always need extra drivers during the festive season. The Royal Mail will be on the lookout for seasonal drivers but some of these jobs will require a heavy goods vehicle licence. Other festive driving jobs can include hamper deliveries, and supermarkets will be extra busy at this time of the year. Physical fitness is an additional requirement as driving jobs can also include lifting heavy goods and climbing stairs.Requirements for Part Time Driving Jobs
Having a driving licence is only one of the requirements for a driving job. Other job specifications can include:- Good degree of physical fitness and some driving experience may be require by certain companies
- Good knowledge of the local area although satellite navigation systems may be available
- Customer friendly attitude
- A relatively stress free attitude; driving in busy city centres can be stressful
- Ability to stick to deadlines where deliveries are concerned
- Flexibility with time during busy periods when drivers may be called in at short notice
- Own transport may be desired by some companies
- Many companies will only take drivers with a clean driving licence
Additional Bonuses for Part-Time Drivers
Tips and gratuities can be an extra bonus for drivers who deliver goods from restaurants and take away food stores. Drivers who work for large supermarkets delivering weekly shopping can make some extra income on top of a salary with tips and gratuities. This is especially true during the Christmas period. Customers are aware that delivery drivers do work long hours and will reward them for this. These extra tips can significantly bump up a base salary.Where to Find Part Time Driving Jobs
Smaller companies such as restaurants or take away stores will advertise for drivers using shop window advertisements. Scouring the city or town centres should bring results when trying to find part-time driving work. Recruitment agencies will also be an excellent place to register for driving jobs. It may be an idea to apply directly to large supermarkets for driving jobs and details can usually be on their websites or by visiting a local store. Newspapers and job centres will also be the place to search for driving jobs in the local area. Do not forget courier agencies that use local drivers to deliver urgent parcels and letters.People who enjoy driving and have some spare time at the evenings or weekends will find driving jobs an enjoyable way to earn some extra income. Students and those over 16 years can also find driving jobs with only a provisional driving licence if mopeds are used for deliveries. Age should not be a barrier to driving jobs, and as long as the person has a clean driving licence this can be a job that anyone can apply for.
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